Benchmark indices were trading in the green, after opening at lower note on Friday, with Sensex trading 68 points up, at 38,310 levels. Nifty was also trading 23 points up at 11,560 levels.
Among sectoral indexes, Nifty auto, FMCG, metals and realty were the biggest gainers. On the flip side, Nifty PSU Bank was the biggest loser.
The market breadth was positive on NSE as 942 shares were advanced, against a decline of 694 shares, while 429 shares were unchanged.
Among sectoral indexes, Nifty auto, FMCG, metals and realty were the biggest gainers. On the flip side, Nifty PSU Bank was the biggest loser.
Automobile index gained 1% led by a surge in Bajaj Auto and TVS Motors, which were trading nearly 3% up.
The market breadth was positive on NSE as 942 shares were advanced, against a decline of 694 shares, while 429 shares were unchanged.
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